
not the laid-back work of The Dude

Reflection and gratitude have been invaluable in my recovery, but practicing daily is tough.
I recently found the Gratitude Plus app—a social gratitude journal.
It lets me create private gratitude groups with friends, family, or faith communities.
Plus, there's an anonymous Twitter-like feed of global gratitude that I can interact with. It’s pretty cool; check it out.

It's free to use—but with my link you'll get a free month of premium!

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

John‬ ‭15‬:‭4

Today’s Reflection

The problem with sobriety is that it’s so easy to take credit for. Once I dry up and get my feet under me, the most natural thing in the world becomes accepting some of the pats on the back that may come my way.

Talk about a slippery slope. It’s this very thinking that was responsible for my demise into addiction in the first place.

This attitude that I am a big enough deal to be responsible for myself, to be left alone with sharp knives.

The knives in recovery are usually my perception of my own sobriety. I am in constant danger of thinking too much of my own part in this process and less of the miracle of grace that works in me and through me.

Am I dwelling in the solution, or am I simply reaping the benefits of it as long as possible?

Am I soaking up the wisdom that comes from others, the truth that comes from God’s word and the joy that comes from living one day at a time under His protection? Or am I going from one selfish thought to the next?

Am I abiding in Him? Do I even know how?

It takes work. Recovery is messy business, and permanent recovery through Christ is doubly so.

As my quiet time with Him persists, the temptations still linger to drift into thoughts of my own for the day ahead.

As I read His word on many mornings, the idea of studying seems less appropriate than of enduring on.

As I intend to seek His will in the day’s work, there is a constant barrage of distraction that wants to choke me.

And so, I take one small step forward at a time—leaning in confidence forward. I slow down when I want to speed up. I ask for provision for what’s right in front of me. And I remind myself who got me here to begin with.

God, thank you for the gift of sobriety; clean my mind to appreciate it today.

Until tomorrow, keep leaning forward!

Cheers from Eamonn

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