Wind Up

Be sure to swing


What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?

James‬ ‭2‬:‭14


The early days of recovery can be confusing if we start thinking too much.

Yes, we are becoming free of the bondage of self-will run riot and are breathing in the new happiness of sobriety.

But there are many competing voices around us. Even in recovery.

Early advice I received reigns supreme: look for similarities not differences.

And with this, also walk into recovery with eyes wide open. This is going to take actual work on our part.

We are gifted the chance of sobriety. We are gifted the grace of second chances. We are gifted the spirit that can begin directing us.

But receipt is evidenced by the actions we take.

I cannot stumble my way through my new life without any effort. True, the effort I now exert is different than a life I built around my own desires. But it does take work.

I must arm myself daily against the very real temptations to backslide.

In the beginning, this can feel like homework, and that’s okay.

I’d rather do some homework now if it saves my life down the road.

God help me do your daily work.


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When you’re ready, here are some tools for you:

  1. Book List (amazon link)
    Some of my favorite reads related to recovery and/or wrestling with faith.

  2. 4th Step Guide (free download)
    A PDF with instructions and worksheets for a thorough 4th step. Straight from the Big Book. Fearlessness not included.

  3. 12-Step Christianity (YouTube)
    My thoughts on the parallels between discipleship and sponsorship.


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Cheers, Eamonn
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