Good Guard...

the fuel of forward progress

By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭14


Sobriety may be a free gift, but it’s not a free ride.

We may have to guard it dearly, but we must give it away to keep it.

This deposit of faith and this reconciliation that we are learning to live out must be accompanied by a tenderness that we once laughed at.

Not the mucky sap of a Lifetime movie. But the courageous walk of a changed life.

I had to build up a storehouse of faith one day at a time. I thought it was for myself and for my own sobriety.

In a way it was, but indirectly. It was in the giving that faith solidified. It was as I drew on those deposits that they multiplied.

Remember—this sober business is spiritual and will always be paradoxical. If it was all logical, things would be a lot neater and a lot less impactful.

And yes, I’m trying to bridge that gap every day in these writings—to bring flesh to things that are often inexplicable.

That’s what so many conversations in and around the rooms of recovery consist of—our own sharing of our own experience of our own recovery from addiction.

Hope spreads. It needs air to circulate. And we both need to remember our past as well as encourage one another in the present.

God, guide the words I say and the motivations that drive me.


When you’re ready, here are some tools for you:

  1. Book List (amazon link)
    Some of my favorite reads related to recovery and/or wrestling with faith.

  2. 4th Step Guide (free download)
    A PDF with instructions and worksheets for a thorough 4th step. Straight from the Big Book. Fearlessness not included.

  3. 12-Step Christianity (YouTube)
    My thoughts on the parallels between discipleship and sponsorship.


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Cheers, Eamonn
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