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Long Hard Roads...
to easy paths

For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Matthew 7:14

In recovery, we also talk about this principle—that many try to find an easier, softer way but could not.
But as we stick around a bit, we hear discussion of recovery actually being the easier, softer way after all.
So, which is it?
We are attuned to seek out the things we find easy to do. But I would argue that we can become attuned to seek out the hard things too when there is sufficient reason.
Look at sports for an easy comparison. Doing hard things brings with it an inherent reward of having accomplished something, of having overcome limits, of having persevered and maybe even won a reward.
But we do this only when fixed upon an outcome. Whether it’s for ourselves or in the presence of others, we are motivated to persist in what would otherwise be a time consuming, difficult affair.
Recovery is no different. This is why it takes so long for us to round the corner of willingness and actually begin taking action.
We do look for less obtrusive ways to get relief. Trouble is, they are usually short lived.
Lasting relief takes hard work.
But it’s worth it for that relief.
Those willing to do it, though, can look back and see that all things considered—in the long run—it is the better, easier way.
God, help me take the hard way to the easier path.

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