Magic Magnifying Mind

It's a Doozy

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me O, Lord, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O Lordβ€”how long?

Psalm 6:2-3

The sense of impending doom and of the walls closing in is not limited to our drinking and using days. Even after straightening out, we are often plagued by soul-stretching turmoil.

The temptation here is to fixate on it in the wrong ways. My mind would selfishly like to magnify my suffering to maximize my relief.

Often it’s not the extent of my actual troubles that are my prolonged issue, but my obsession over them.

Just as in quitting drinking, I need God’s intervention to move past the spiritual speed bumps of what is now my everyday sober life. I’m not a cripple in need of being carried, but rather an athlete who now needs basic coaching.

And what better coach could there be!

In distress, let us turn to him for pouring out our soul. He listens.

In pain, let us come speechless to him in reflection and sorrow.

In confusion, let us bring our riddles to the master and wait patiently for his provision.

God, bend my mind towards yours.


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