Next Right Things

or, Next Things Right

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

Sometimes it’s difficult to know what the next right thing is. It’s okay in these times to simply do the next thing right.

More often than not, there’s at least a next thing in front of me. Doing that well is often God’s will.

So much of recovery revolves around repetition. We ask God to keep us sober one day at a time.

We go through our day, pausing for direction when doubtful or irritable.

We look for how we can be helpful and make amends when we cause harm.

We share our story to the newcomer to inspire hope, however small, from our little bit of experience.

We thank God at night for keeping us sober through the day.

The first days I went through the seeming monotony of “the basics” it occurred to me that this stuff will get boring, right?

Where’s the joy in doing the same thing everyday?

But as we persevere, He is faithful. God comes in and ignites, sometimes for the first time, a fire in us. Not one easily snuffed. Nor kindled without persistence.

It’s the slow, hot burn of courage—spiritual embers working in and through us.

The fire is the fuel, the courage, the hope, the firm foundation we were looking for all along.

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