Reaching Back

Spreads Hope

Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭27

I like projects. Give me a thought I can coax into a good idea, chop up into smaller good ideas and then see them through to completion.

It’s extremely satisfying and even better when the time horizon is short enough to be motivated by being able to keep the end in sight.

But even more than time-boxed creative projects, I love the long-term, open-ended, unknown outcomes of relationships formed in recovery.

Here, there is no end in sight. Many markers and milestones, sure. Trials to overcome, pain to walk through, growth to be had at our egos’ expense. But we trudge forward, purposefully, for the long haul.

It’s a comfort to me knowing that this walk has no real end. It is a perpetual cycle of passing it forward, of carrying the message to others.

This is what Jesus had in mind, I think with his disciples. He showed them the way while he was with them, preparing them for when he was not. And then commissioned them—and us—to keep making disciples.

As we recover from our addiction, it becomes imperative to lean on the wisdom and guidance of those who’ve gone before us. And it quickly becomes necessary to begin reaching back to help the next newcomer.

So long as I’m tapping into the well of life, I ought to be searching for others to share it with.

God, give me eyes to see the one I can help and a heart of willingness to do so.

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