Screwed for Life

Saved by Grace

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

Galatians 2:20

“Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic” & “There is no such thing as making a normal drinker out of an alcoholic.”

Divisive statements if you still hold on - however fleetingly - to the idea of drinking or using “normally”.

What makes me so enticed by the prospect?

An onlooker might be as baffled as we should be - here is a hopeless addict who finds a way out through surrender, self-sacrifice and a rekindling of a faith in God.

Joy becomes an experience rather than a memory. Friendships occur rather than run away.

And yet.

There is a lurking idea that surfaces like a dark passenger waiting patiently for a moment to strike.

As I look back prayerfully I can see clearly - the passenger is my old self - the one who I can choose to leave on the cross or to follow back into despair.

He’ll kill me in a heartbeat.

God enables us to come to the end of our old selves by surrendering to the fact that we can’t beat the passenger. We are given the strength to make a new beginning instead.

And this is the painful part - we’ve got to die to live; we’ve got to surrender to keep going; we’ve got to come to the end of our selves to begin.


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