Starless Doors…

infinite choices

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John‬ ‭16‬:‭33

Today’s Reflection

How do I know which path to take? Which door to walk through? When everything is closed before me, I simply pray for something to open up, but what happens when there is a hallway of open doors?

When we enter recovery, many times there are no opportunities before us. The only way forward has been to accept or submit to help. We are insulated for a moment from the maelstrom of reality.

But emerging from the cocoon detoxed from a life that had become familiar and normal, if also destructive and hopeless, we find ourselves at a standstill.

Urged forward by well intentioned advice, we begin stepping forward into the stream of the living. We make some small choices. We test the waters.

As time goes by, more doors of opportunity swing open from time to time. Some simply crack open.

What are we to make of an infinite span of doors ajar?

In these times more than most we are at an advantage if we’ve returned to or found faith in God. This gives us an anchor point we are able to steady ourselves by. Without it we drift with no gravity of our own.

It doesn’t grant us immunity from confusion though. There will still be times of multiple choices that seem good. There will still be times of paralyzing fear.

In these we take heart. He has overcome the world and given us the wherewithal to take a moment, regroup and redirect our thinking toward Him.

It doesn’t excuse us from taking action. We should be looking for where he has uniquely gifted and placed us. But it does slow down the hurried insistence that we always be in motion, always be progressing, always be excelling.

The go-go-go frantic mess that anxiety is birthed in is no longer where we need to live.

Perhaps this is a subtle paradox. We must be leaning forward toward Him, but he invites us also to rest in Him.

God, help me take it easy often enough to walk with purpose.

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