You Gotta Die To Live


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of you mind

Romans 12:2

Our main problem centers in our mind. This is true of the alcoholic, and I believe it’s true for most everyone.

There is nothing so powerful as belief (or unbelief). And where does belief sprout its roots and take hold if not in the mind?

This is why a program of recovery implores the newcomers to grow up spiritually first. Though it is somewhat counterintuitive and definitely a paradox, we often get better physically and mentally after we've started our spiritual journey.

Is this hocus pocus or watered down foxhole prayers? No. I'd rather steer away from the BS of television evangelism.

I'm talking about what’s on the other side of the renewal of the mind that Paul implores us to seek.

Transformation is what follows—his word not mine. But it holds true.

It's not without a price, though. Don't miss the first parts of his message: “…don’t conform to this world.” (stop drinking)… and, ”present your body as a living sacrifice.” (stop living as though you’re the center of the universe).

The only way to full recovery that lasts is by moving, however haltingly, from self-centered living to God-centered living.

And rest assured, this is dying.

You can also find the meditations on YouTube 👇


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